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Thank God
Tuesday, 4 January 2011 8:52 pm

It was the first day of school today, at first, 
school was terribly horrible, 
quarreled with Sandy etc.
Horrible things happen between Sandy and Me,
it same goes for Sandy and Ling,
Shinki and Ling.
But we sorted things out in between ourselves.

So while I was waiting for bus 43 at the bus stop opposite Xuan's house,
Shinki texted me, he thanked me and cared for me.
Practically, we were thanking each other for what we've done, 
so this sudden thought came to my mind, 

If it wasn't for GOD who planned all these stuff in my life,
I wouldn't know the situation Sandy is in now,
I wouldn't know I have such a BEST friend who cared for me STILL,
I wouldn't know Shuhui and Grace had forgiven me and they aren't angry at me anymore,
I wouldn't know SO MANY THINGS I myself had not experienced it.

All credits belongs to GOD,
If he bring me to that situation, 
HE will bring me THROUGH it! 

I wouldn't know 

Monday, 3 January 2011 8:32 pm

The evil is tempting us to do bad things, 
REALLY bad things, and that is called SINNING.
The more you sin, the distance between you and God will distance.
The problems, and everything make you (GOD) seem so far away,
The DEVIL is trying to convince you that there is no way out of this problem,
the only person who can pull you out of this situation, is GOD,
he is the only one who love us like no other mortal man can do,
No matter what, TRUST god,
Only he can make something out of it. 

Sometimes it seems like God, himself has forgotten you, 
but in the ACTUAL FACT, 
He is the one who knows you inside out,
and he even know what are you thinking when no one knows,

Thanks JESUS for loving me when I don't trust you, 
Thanks for making everything happen,
Thanks for crucifying for me when you did nothing wrong,
I just simply LOVE you! 


Youth camp
Wednesday, 22 December 2010 4:59 pm

Yesterday Pastor Jeremy came and we did a holy spirit baptism,
Shalyn and Thea came to me and call the holy spirit to come upon me, 
but I didn't feel anything, I did not speak in tongues,
when I heard shiying crying and speaking in tongues,
I cried, I cried because I did not get baptised, 
so i was thinking, was it because I did not trust him fully,
or what, my tears ran down like tapwater. 
When the baptism thing was about to over,
thea hugged me, I feel blessed but failed at the point of time,
when thea hugged me, i guess she know why i cried, 
i cried, but this make me trust in god more.

I fear of not trusting in god,
i fear of not knowing god,
i fear of not feeling god,
practically my situation is same as Darren's situation.
I don't know who to say this to, 
i do not have Christians friends surrounding me,
so i guess no one could ever understand this.

Frankly speaking,
i sometimes feel like an atheist,
i don't know why i don't feel god's presence,
i don't know why my heart is so shut that god can't pry open,
but i want to know god again,
i want the old passion back.
Though i've been praying for days,
i do not know whether god will answer to it or speak to me, 
but i always feels that god had give up on me,
he gave up on me because i didn't trust him enough.
Though i know his love is everlasting, 
but i just can't feel his love.
I don't know why!

Tuesday, 7 December 2010 12:34 pm

In life, we can't u-turn or undo the things we had done,
we can only continue our route all the way till the end,
there is no undo button for life,
the only one who can make or smooth our life is GOD,
he is the only one who can smoothen your life after you had done something wrong, 
i am still searching for my "LION" 
and i am going to fight it. :) 


Thursday, 2 December 2010 12:17 am

Know what sculpture this is?
anyone who love art will know whose artwork is,
it's from Rodin,
it is made up of marble and bronze.
It depicts a man in a sober meditation battling with a powerful struggle.
I get to know this wonderful sculpture during my art SOVA,
though it's boring, but i get to see many artworks i do not know at all,
those artworks are really awesome.

I regret taking art for my o's, because it is kinda waste of time,
but now, i miss art,
i miss drawing, practically i miss everything about art,
i miss the times i spent with my best friend during art lesson.

Practically, i miss everything even school,
i miss xiaolong.
When he called me, and the first word that came out from his mouth was,
"because i miss you", though i know it's not true,
but i miss the times i like him, 
and the times i miss him, but it's all over,
hopefully i won't like him for the second time
okay, more artwork to allow you all to view! :)

The gates of hell (Rodin)

 My father and the astronaut (Ibrahim Hussein)

More photos tomorrow!~ :)

Friday, 26 November 2010 2:39 pm

Forgiving people's deed is pricless,
but forgive people requires courage and knowledge.
Just like how god forgive us for our sins,
he bucked up his courage and suffer for our sins,
he did not even complain or question,
but he forgive us willingly.
Just wondering why can't humans be so forgiving,
why can't they forgive people just because of one small thing.

According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, man’s basic needs are physiological—oxygen to breathe and food to eat. 
According to Jesus, man’s basic needs are spiritual—to be forgiven and to forgive.

God don't just forgive us,
we have to ask him for forgiveness,
and he will forgive us no matter how serious/ bad our sins are,
but why are humans so unforgiving?
When one said sorry, you should forgive her/him,
just like what God did.

The matter had been a few months,
yet none of them had forgave me,
what had i done so wrong that this sin is so unforgiving?
I may have done wrong, a very big mistake instead,
i know what i've done wrong,
but why haven't they forgive me?
I want to know the reason so that i can move on,
for the past few days, I had been thinking of this,
it had been troubling me for so long,
I need to know the truth,
and hope they will tell me,
it's pathetic to see my clique split into many different small groups,
it's sad to see the memories we once had, 
not to be seen now,
envy how athena's clique could stay so strong,
without quarrels, without splitting apart.
Without friends become strangers,
and it's sad to see people having 360 degree change.

Hopefully they can patch back, 
and i can see the old clique back,
without me, the troublemaker.

God bless all of you

Photos, memories
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 9:55 pm

People say photos are the best memories,
don't you agree with this sentence?
Photos is the best memories,
last few days, look back at those neoprints and photos taken with friends,
it made me realised how close we were back then,
though i may not be friends with them,
I still treasure the friendship, up till now.
Though they may have forgotten the friendships we once had,
but i will never forget, because i treasure friendship.

Anyway, Shuhui, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)
I realised that our clique ( once ),
were split up into many different groups,
I don't know what's the problem and what happen to them,
but i feel like telling them a quote and letting them realised something,

it's glad to have strangers as friend,
but it's sad to see our best friend leaves us and become total stranger.
This is what i learnt, i realised many other things too! 
Quarrels are my wake up call most of the time,
it seems to mature me in a certain way sometimes,
but sometimes, i will just get too paranoid over friends,
which will leads me to have a tiff with them,
and emotion on friendship are overwhelming me,
but i always seek god for whatever things i am going through currently,
he is the only person i trust fully,
he is the only one i put my faith in totally.

happy moments-praise god
difficult moments-seek god 
quiet moments-worship god 
every moment-thank god,
if he bring you to these moments, he will bring you through it

So ya, i am going to put everything in him because i know he will guide me through :)


Daughter of God,
He loves her, so does she
Love herself
She love someone else too
Loves HIM
Sinner on 21/October/1994


Cbox recomended

Bye bye



October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011


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