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Friday, 26 November 2010 2:39 pm

Forgiving people's deed is pricless,
but forgive people requires courage and knowledge.
Just like how god forgive us for our sins,
he bucked up his courage and suffer for our sins,
he did not even complain or question,
but he forgive us willingly.
Just wondering why can't humans be so forgiving,
why can't they forgive people just because of one small thing.

According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, man’s basic needs are physiological—oxygen to breathe and food to eat. 
According to Jesus, man’s basic needs are spiritual—to be forgiven and to forgive.

God don't just forgive us,
we have to ask him for forgiveness,
and he will forgive us no matter how serious/ bad our sins are,
but why are humans so unforgiving?
When one said sorry, you should forgive her/him,
just like what God did.

The matter had been a few months,
yet none of them had forgave me,
what had i done so wrong that this sin is so unforgiving?
I may have done wrong, a very big mistake instead,
i know what i've done wrong,
but why haven't they forgive me?
I want to know the reason so that i can move on,
for the past few days, I had been thinking of this,
it had been troubling me for so long,
I need to know the truth,
and hope they will tell me,
it's pathetic to see my clique split into many different small groups,
it's sad to see the memories we once had, 
not to be seen now,
envy how athena's clique could stay so strong,
without quarrels, without splitting apart.
Without friends become strangers,
and it's sad to see people having 360 degree change.

Hopefully they can patch back, 
and i can see the old clique back,
without me, the troublemaker.

God bless all of you

Photos, memories
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 9:55 pm

People say photos are the best memories,
don't you agree with this sentence?
Photos is the best memories,
last few days, look back at those neoprints and photos taken with friends,
it made me realised how close we were back then,
though i may not be friends with them,
I still treasure the friendship, up till now.
Though they may have forgotten the friendships we once had,
but i will never forget, because i treasure friendship.

Anyway, Shuhui, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)
I realised that our clique ( once ),
were split up into many different groups,
I don't know what's the problem and what happen to them,
but i feel like telling them a quote and letting them realised something,

it's glad to have strangers as friend,
but it's sad to see our best friend leaves us and become total stranger.
This is what i learnt, i realised many other things too! 
Quarrels are my wake up call most of the time,
it seems to mature me in a certain way sometimes,
but sometimes, i will just get too paranoid over friends,
which will leads me to have a tiff with them,
and emotion on friendship are overwhelming me,
but i always seek god for whatever things i am going through currently,
he is the only person i trust fully,
he is the only one i put my faith in totally.

happy moments-praise god
difficult moments-seek god 
quiet moments-worship god 
every moment-thank god,
if he bring you to these moments, he will bring you through it

So ya, i am going to put everything in him because i know he will guide me through :)

Monday, 22 November 2010 10:08 pm

Every minute, every second, every matter changes everyone, anyone.
Maybe by the time I finish typing this post,
a few babies are born,
a few babies are being aborted.
Every minute, things changes,
either from bad to worst,
or from worst to better.
It all depends on god,
if god brings you through different moments,
he will definitely bring you through it.
This is what I believe in.

Every minute changes the things around us, 
just like today,
at first, there were no customers,
we 3 colleagues were playing bingo in the kitchen,
then suddenly this large crowd came,
we became so busy,
practically I was cooking for an hour,
because they bullied me :(
Nah, just joking. ( okay, get back to topic)

As I said, every minute changes stuff,
like the world is revolving every minute, every second.
You can be in a really bad mood now,
maybe after a minute or two,
you cheered up.
He just cheered me up,
and that's in 3 minutes,
Happy now~

Old post
Saturday, 20 November 2010 9:52 pm

Went to view back at my facebook old post,
saw many social interview question posted by Meimei and friends,
looked through it one by one,
miss the times and friendship we once owned,
miss the moments we once had,
miss quite alot of stuff we once did together.
When Meimei came to TPY pepperlunch to buy her lunch yesterday,
though was reluctant to collect the money from her,
but when I collect the money and return her change back,
I suddenly have the urge of talking to her,
but this voice inside me saying, she will never forgive you for what you've did,
I decided to not greet or say anything.
The moment she walked away and sat down,
chatting happily with Chorteng,
I suddenly feel so guilty not talking to her.

I tried re-adding her back as friend on Facebook,
really hope that she will accept.
Hope that we can be friends back,
no matter how far or how distant our friendship are,
god, I hope that this time she'll accept and we can be friends back.

Looked at this photo, memories just ran through my mind,
this photo was taken during Aces day,
looking at how close i were once with them,
really regret the stuff that I've done and everything.
This is my  biggest regret during my 16 years.

All I can say about Meimei is,
she is an awesome friend,
a trustworthy friend,
a friend whom you can really do crazy stuff with,
a friend that is indescribable,
because she is the best friend I've made so far,
though yiling is a good friend,
but Meimei is the best friend i've made,
and yet, i've lost her because of the incident.

I am so dumb ain't i?
Well, hopefully things between me and her will improve.
Goodluck me,

Saturday, 13 November 2010 8:01 pm

Meimei, Happy birthday! 
Still can remeber how we first met,
our friendship grew stronger and stronger day by day.
I know you love fruit cake so much that whenever we walked past a cake shop,
you would want me to buy a fruit cake for your birthday.
Still remember how we gossip,
what we do after school,
what topic we chat about.
But now, though i am not your friend anymore,
but from what i see,
you've changed totally.
You are no longer the meimei i used to know.
That's my point of view,
so ya, you weren't like this in the past.
Meimei, Jiayou and last long with pengliang :)

Difficult OR Easy?
Thursday, 11 November 2010 10:01 am

Just realised that nothing in life is easy,
as well as, nothing in life is difficult.
For me, It's difficult to let go of the one you like,
it's difficult to let go of the friends you once trusted,
and lastly, it's difficult to ignore the person you once loved him.

For some people,
It's easy for them to put their faith and trust in God,
I've been trying to do that but it failed.
It's very hard for me to put my faith in him,
though i know that he can solve it.
I think i must pray for it then.
Well, was kinda sad and the quote says it all.
It's sad when friends become strangers.
This quote is so true.
It's even more sad when you treat this person as a friend but he/she doesn't,
and I feel that this is so ridiculous,
it's not easy for me not to get angry over stuff easily.
I do not know when I start to become so hot-tempered.
I do not know when I become such a cry baby, 
who cries easily.
I do not know who I am anymore.

After the quarrel, well, I had cried for like 1 week and gloom over it,
but I have to admit I've found my true friend.
Still, I've lost quite a handful of friends, i can say.
I've been a total different person since the quarrel,
there are so many difficulties in life when i feel like giving up,
but my friends had been cheering me up,
that's the only reason why i lived till today,
and there is one person whom i lived for and i will never forget,
that person is GOD.
He gave my life for me, I lived for him.
It's not easy for me to find my old-self back,
and It's not easy to be a different person.
So ya, Life is neither easy nor difficult

Friday, 5 November 2010 2:18 pm

                                                               QUOTES ON FRIENDS
True friends backstab you right under your nose and not in your back.
A true friend sticks with you through thick and thin no matter what.
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walk out.
A best friend shares the good times and help you out by listening during the bad times.
True friends are very difficult to find, hard to leave, and impossible to forget.

These quotes are so true,
especially these 2 quotes
A true friend sticks with you through thick and thin no matter what.
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walk out.

Thinking of the past when I first had my quarrel with meimei and friends,
when I told Yiling that I am going out of the clique,
because of the quarrel I caused, 
she told me :' then I pei you out of the clique'
She's the one who never leave me when the world despise me,
she's the one who never stop caring for me,
she's the one who knows me better than anyone else,
and that is what a true friend is.
Thung, this is my definition of friends.
Now, though yuxuan is my friend, 
but yiling is the one who will know my everything first,
she is the one who knows who i like,
and what happen to me.
Will she still be my bestie after sec 5?
I really hope so.

I really treasure this friendship with her,
and really hope that we can remain close like now when we were both adult.
Friends will always be there no matter what happen.

thanks friend :)

Tuesday, 2 November 2010 11:22 am

Can we control our moods?
I doubt we can,
when something happen, our mood changes instantly.
Went to work yesterday, feel kinda fail,
late for work the 1st day, did the cashier wrongly,
okay, actually, that wasn't my fault totally.
Customers are weird, very weird.
Don't know what's wrong with them.
" I don't want the salmon to have the black black stuff ", darling, it's the skin of the salmon!
" Sliced beef w egg but I don't want the rice", enter whatever he wanted, 
when he saw a customer with beef pepper rice,
" is that beef too? ", "ya that's beef ", "okay, I want that one"
Jenny aunty started making beef pepper rice, " It's with rice? I don't want"
Hey, what the bitch! 
Damn annoying customers in TPY okay?
Making big fuss about food and changing it here and there.
It ain't fun okay?

Dude, working is tiring, my legs and arms are hurting too!
But this is what the price I got to pay for, hoping to get rich.
Working at 1 today, kinda shag after yesterday! *yawn*
I hope that he'll come TPY and have lunch.
Hahaha, Bet he won't.
I need counselling now, because I am in a bad mood due to, him not reply-ing me.


Daughter of God,
He loves her, so does she
Love herself
She love someone else too
Loves HIM
Sinner on 21/October/1994


Cbox recomended

Bye bye



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